Friday 8 September 2017

2017 - day 7 (8th September- Innsbruck)

Great day in Innsbruck today. Beautiful sunny weather and pleasantly cool. Lovely breakfast at the Congress Hotel to start and we headed down the 5 minute walk into the beautiful old town of Innsbruck parts of which date back to the 13th century.
Decided to do a tour of the Hofburg which was a "country" residence of the Hapsburg dynasty and so was magnificently decorated and furnished. Took a few hours to complete the tour so obviously there was plenty to see.
Pud and Robyn had to head of for for shoe repairs and haircuts so we did a bit more checking out of beautiful churches etc and met up with them again later in the afternoon ending up with drinks and dinner at an Italian restaurant in the main street-  very good pasta and pizza.
Back to the hotel tonight to sort packing for early start tomorrow-  they are picking us up from here at 8 in the morning which means an unusually early start for us. This should be a great ride - some bad weather predicted for Sunday so that might be interesting.

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