Saturday 30 September 2017

2017 day 29 (30 September- Brussels to llangyndir)

Once again, travel throws up the unexpected  but in the end it usually works out fine with unexpected bonuses along the way. So it was again today.

Unplanned start in Brussels instead of London of course and the first 5.30 alarm in four Weeks!  Across the road to Brussels midi station - again having proved my opinion that Brussels has the worst set out and signed stations in the world - to start the whole checkin process again. Breakfast of coffee and croissant and then some time trying to catch up with Facebook etc on the station WiFi before thankfully called to board. Thank goodness.

Uneventful 2 hour trip to London St Pancras, straight through to the u Der ground and got tickets to Victoria and then a three station trip there. Easy. Found Europcar at the bus terminal all and had the car - a great fiat Tipo  diesel with satnav-  and off into the London traffic by 10.00 their time. All good.

Easy following the satnav out of London and onto the M4 heading west past Heathrow, Windsor, Oxford, Salisbury but ominous signs saying M4 closed at 16 to 18 - long delays. Had a nice coffee morning tea break and looking to get to Wales by 2 easily.

Then we hit the stationary traffic and crawled until we were diverted off the motorway and spent the next 3 hours crawling in a line of traffic through lots of little side roads and cute villages. Lovely scenery but not what we wanted.

Finally got to Jenny's at about 5 o'clock absolutely exhausted after 7 hours in the car. Wonderful welcome, tea and soup and later beautiful dinner more than made up for the fun drive. We did, however, manage to revisit the beautiful Cotswolds and drive through some beautiful Welsh countryside in the process-  the joys of Travel!

Sure you'll understand why there are no pictures attached Tonight!

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