Friday 15 September 2017

2017 day 14 (15 September Verona)

Our last day in Verona. Had a "farewell" breakfast with Pud and Robyn before they left on the train for Milan. Armed with our town map we headed into town but had a small "diversion" but ended up exactly where I had wanted to go - some beautiful villas we had seen from the bus yesterday and then St.George's church which contains an amazing collection of artwork.
A casual stroll through some of the streets we had not been down - there are dozens of them - but there were some beautiful streetscapes we came across.
Found a site where they are excavating a Roman entry gate and they are digging back under current buildings.
Caught the bus back home (getting very clever) for a bit of footrest time before dinner. Decided to go local for dinner so just walked across the road from the hotel to a little wine bar. Again surprised - very well stocked with a thirteen page wine list varying from 15 euro to 500 euro. Restricted menu but had veal with side potatoes and grilled vegetables and was very good.
Some brief observations on Italy so far:
Horse meat appears on menus quite frequently
There seem to a lot of young father's around with children in prams and strollers apparently as home dads.
Drivers are quick but actually very courteous.
They can't speak without using their hands and at the speed of lightning.

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