Tuesday 26 September 2017

2017 day 25 (26th September- Nancy to Metz)

Hope we're not speaking too soon but this has been the easiest cycle we've done. The tracks are generally very good with the occasional diversion onto the roads and so metimes the track is just gravel or mud which makes the cycling interesting.

Today was in fact our longest day-  60km but it was broken into sections so wasn't really difficult. Most of the bikeways ran through avenues of trees so it was cool and pleasant riding beside the river/canals.

First big stop was a place called Pont-a-Mousson which typically had a town square, big church and monastery.  Lots of swans in the river as well. Not to mention a lovely patisserie with really good eclairs!

Interesting displays along the way towards Metz to recognise the role the Americans played in the battle for Metz in 1944. Must read more about it as it was apparently a massive and difficult battle involving General Patton. The section of the river we were stopped was where the troops crossed.

Also a massive Roman Acquaduct which used to cross the river. Arrived in Metz at about 5.00pm. Big day but nothing that a cold beer and three course dinner couldn't fix.

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