Thursday 7 September 2017

2017 day 6 (7th September- Innsbruck)

Travel day today. After saying goodbye to Bronwyn after a lovely steak dinner last night we headed for the airport where we had the usual wait for our flight which left at 12.30 this morning. Thirteen hour flight to Munich where we arrived at 7.00am local time. Very large, modern but cold airport. Took the train into ce

ntral station - 12 Euro each which is a bit expensive.. Found our way to the regional and fast train platforms and caught the train to Innsbruck - the first leg took us to the Tyrol area so the train was full of mountain hikers with all their gear and hiking sticks etc.Changed trains at a place calledGarmisch-Partenkirchen and then the track took us through spectacular mountains into Innsbruck.
Pud and Robyn arrived here late this afternoon and we had dinner together at a packed hamburger restaurant - obviously a favourite with the locals and very good.

Rest day tomorrow before the cycling starts on Saturday so we'll have a quiet day checking out the beautiful old town of Innsbruck.

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