Wednesday 6 September 2017

2017 day 5 (6th September)

Last day in  Singapore. Pity, because it is such a great place to explore. Had breakfast with Bronwyn at Sarnie's once more and then went and checked out one of our last visit'some haunts - Merchants - which is a little wine bar run by the small winemakers from Australia. Found out they still "do" steaks for dinner so we're taking Bronwyn there for dinner tonight.
The weather was pretty patchy today with frequent downpours so we took the train to the centre and went to the national gallery. They created the gallery by combining two historic buildings - the Supreme Court and the city hall, both grand buildings of the British Empire days. Magnificent transformation but a bit hard to find your way through all the different levels.
Easily spent the day there though and then back to our hotel for a swim and  then the dinner with Bronwyn - very sad as we won't be seeing her for some time.
On the plane at 12.30 tonight for flight to Munich and then per train to Innsbruck from whence the next blog will Come!

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