Wednesday 13 September 2017

2017 day 12 (13 September - Peschiera del Garda to Verona)

Back to beautiful fine mild weather for the last stage of our 250km cycle from Innsbruck to Verona. Started out from Peschiera and followed a cycle track around the lake for a few kms  so we got to see the lake after All!
Shared the road with traffic for the first time really today and it quite busy and challenging on a few occasions-  but no calls of "get off the ........road" or any aggro at all - Aussie motorists please  Note!
A few climbs involved today as well but nothing too bad and each one eventuality revealed more beautiful scenery. Lots of grapes and one farmer invited us to sample some bunches which were beautiful - soft and sweet. Also came into lots of olive groves today as well.
It was only circa 34k to Verona so we were able to take it steady, stopping for both morning tea and lunch before coming into the very busy outskirts of verona mid-afternoon. Our hotel is about 2k from the old centre of town so we used our bikes again tonight to go in to town.
Don't think we've ever seen so many people in one place before. Big pop concert on at the old Roman Arena and today is the beginning of a huge festival so looks like we've scored again.
Special mention of dinner tonight. Found a little Italian restaurant in a back street with the most delightful owner who was just hilarious in her language gymnastics explaining the menu but the food was just so beautiful and authentic Italian.  Special drinks from the local area - got a recipe or 2 for when you all visit us in the Future!
Full day in Verona tomorrow

and then sadly Pud and Robyn leave us on Friday and head to Canada while we have one more day here before heading for Bologna.

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