Tuesday 5 September 2017

2017 day 4 (5th September)

Breakfast with Bronwyn at Sarnie's as now the habit to start the day and then we trained it to City Hall and wandered up to canning hill park. This is where the British army headquarters were and the officers quarters. Along side the headquarters building is what became known as the "battle box" - a bunker built 9 metres underground where the officers operated during the seige of Singapore in 1942 and where the decision was made to surrender. We arrived in time to do a guided tour which was very interesting - rooms have been set up with equipment and furniture  etc and quite amazing to see and watch the av displays . Well worth it.

Had a light lunch in nearby Orchard Road and then again took the underground (SO good at This!) Back to the hotel. Plans for our traditional afternoon swim were unfortunately thwarted by a heavy shower of rain so restful afternoon before Bronwyn joined us after work and we wandered off to Jumbo'so for the beautiful chilli crab for dinner. Just Perfect!

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