Saturday 16 September 2017

2017 day 15 (16 September Verona to Bologna)

Said farewell to Verona this  morning. Checked out of the lovely San Marco hotel and wandered across the road to the bus stop to catch what I thought would be a regular bus service to the "stazione" - shades of Brisbane as the previous bus was 7.38 and the next one was due at 10.58 and our train left at 10.26!

Second plan was walk 1.5km to the station which we managed OK even in the occasional very light drizzle. Re-acquainted ourselves with the very good Trenitalia self service ticket machines and got 2 tickets to Bologna for Euro 21 whereas the online price I looked up was between 30 and 80 each.

Quiet train trip of about 1.5 hrs in an increasingly full train. Pretty flat farmland all the way with the occasional small town.
Bologna is a very large centre but again a very old centre which in parts is looking pretty depressed but the main shopping street - via Indepedencione-  oozes money with top shops and restaurants. Beautiful architecture again with the main street collonaded all the way down circa 12 blocks.

Found our hotel after a bit of scouting and we've had another bonus - as we are here 5 nights the offered us their top floor apartment with kitchen and large bedroom -really beautiful and very comfortable. Belissimo!
Taken a general walk around and had paying for lunch and headed to hotel's recommended restaurant for dinner - again a very special meal of duck for Elizabeth and steak for me and entres and sweets as Well!
Another of those absolutely magic travel moments in the huge piazza tonight. This place is the liveliest city we've been in - people out in huge crowds and just having the best time. We came across a dixieland jazz band who were having a great time and providing fabulous music - couldn't tear ourselves away.
 Also dfopped into a huge  hurch where they were celebrating a slecial Diocesan festical - brilliant music. Unforgettable blend end to a wonderful first day in Bologna.

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