Monday 18 September 2017

2017 day 17 (18th September - Bologna

Some thing completely different today. This was the first of our two walking days arranged with a guide to take us to places of interest in the mountain areas around Bologna. David met us after breakfast and we caught a bus to the outer suburbs where we wandered up a mountain road past beautiful farms and wineries many of which were old Manor houses and are still in beautiful condition.

We arrived eventually at a small winery where we toured the production process for their main product of sparkling white wine. They provided a lovely lunch of traditional breads, cheese and salami as well as their white and red wines which were lovely.

We then headed back down the mountain into the suburbs  again and after some afternoon tea at a patisserie we bravely took to the next big mountain which was an ancient pilgrim trail using the stations of the cross up a very steep rough path to a huge church of San Lucas  (St. Lukes) which houses a 11th century painting of the Madonna which has traditionally protected Bologna.

As you may have gathered this was a huge amount of walking - over 12km in all up very steep  tracks but the views were quite magnificent to compensate.

We arrived home at about 7.00, pretty well exhausted and after a recovery shower headed for whatever was t

he nearest restaurant for dinner. Turned out to be great as usual. Traditional lasagna and tortellini and red wine of course. They all provide beautiful breads and always a limoncello at the end of the meal.

Another mountain day tomorrow right up into the Aspennines.

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