Sunday 24 September 2017

2017 Day 23 (24th September- Toul to Liverdun )

A very easy day's riding today. It was a very cool/cold foggy morning even when we set out at 9.00 after breakfast. First we rode just a few kms from our mooring into the centre of Toul where we parked/locked the bikes. Armed with a town map supplied by Yupka our cycling guide we took a wander around this medieval city which still has most of its old walls and entry gates in tack.

Magnificent old  cathedral also but showing signs of decay with many stained glass windows broken and plaster falling from ceilings. Beautiful cloisters off to the side though.

Rode alongside both the Moselle River itself and sometimes old and sometimes new canals. Completely flat riding on  bike paths and occasionally the roads. Very pretty ride and eventually the sun shifted the fog to reveal the full view.

This is very different to our previous rides in that we have a cycle  guide who leads the group at all times - we only stop when she stops so taking pictures of scenes which attract your attention is not possible. Normally we do self-guided and so w

e are finding this format a bit restricting even though Yupka is a good guide.

We arrived in the little village of Liverdun where the barge was already moored athe about 2.00 so had the afternoon to wander around. It seems quite run down and poor unlike most of the other places we've visited so far.

Relaxing time on the deck this afternoon before a nice fish dinner and of course more quiche Lorraine!

This will be the last blog for a while - WiFi is quite restricted in the barge and  one blog uses up most of my "allowance" ! I'll be back publishing next week in England - but I'll draft daily entries as I go to maintain the record.

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