Thursday 28 September 2017

2017 - day 27 (28th September- Thionville to Remich)

Big day today. Only 40 km total but lots to see and do. Firstly through the beautiful forest of Cattenom and took an uphill diversion to check out a bunker form the Maginot  Line which was a massive line of fortified bunkers and military structures built from 1930 to 1938 by the French to defend against the Germans.

Sadly the Germans invaded via Belgium and the northern forests in 1939 through the only part of France without the fortifications. Most of it is still there and some still used by the military apparently.

Lunch stop was at Sierk-les-Bains  where the dukes of Lorraine had built a large castle and fortification in the 12th century. Had lunch in the grounds and a look around the remains of the castle.

Scenery was by now much more the usual French countryside with rhetoric fields an grapevines and beautiful cattle grazing on lush long grass. Spectacular.

Next stop was a spot where a Roman villa system had been discovered in the 1800's and a magnificent mosaic dug up. An amazingly complete piece of spectacular art work.

Got to Remich about 4 and went to a winery housed in tunnels 20 metres underground to give a constant temperature of 12 degrees. They have about 90 000 bottles stored and bottled there along with massive vats for the making of mostly still and sparkling whites. Called St Martin's but unfortunately they don't export to Australia because it is beautiful.

Last dinner on board tonight - rather sad as it has been lots of fun and we've spent the week with really nice people.

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