Monday 4 September 2017

2017 day 3

We could really become addicted to this life. Met Bronwyn at 8 and headed off to a great little cafe for breakfast and coffee. She headed off to work and we caught the train on to Marina Bay and visited the flower dome. Last time we were here we went to the cloud forest which is a must see and the flower dome is next door. Again they have created a space which leaves you awestruck - the most incredible floral displays we've seen. There are garden displays from different countries - including Australia all beautifully presented and perfectly maintained. Everything this country does it does it better than anyone else it seems.

Spent a few hours there and then had lunch at the HUGE shopping centre, train back home and after a brief recovery headed for the hotel pool - just beautiful.Dinner with Bronwyn tonight at a terrific little Turkish restaurant in the Turkish quarter and finally back home.

This is just a great start to the holiday-  just beautifully restful as well as fascinating.

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