Saturday 7 September 2013

Day14 - (Saturday) Istanbul

Woke up quite late this morning after finally getting to bed circa 2.00am!!

Set out just to wander around at our own rate today and take in the atmosphere of this incredible city. Took the tram down to the spice market - another huge gathering of people trying to sell all manner of things (including leeches)

Met a couple from Brisbane escaping the madness and shared morning tea. Headed for the famous Galata Bridge with restaurants and shops underneath the roadway - again teeming with people - there is no chance of hurrying through the crowd here, you just go at the pace of the mob.

You are then on the European side of the city and we took the second oldest underground in the world up to the massive city centre on that side - near the park where the riots occurred earlier this year. No riots today, just more people than we've ever seen in a city space.

Back to the hotel by underground and tram (we are getting so good at this!!!) and Gaye the owner took us to the local bath where elizabeth had a traditional Turkish bath. Came back a new woman!  There is a huge seafood festival just down the road so we are off there for tea.

{additional bit: just returned to the hotel after dinner at the seafood festival - WOW do they know how to do festivals- massive crowds with weddings and celebrations and parties and music and the most beautiful seafood meal imaginable - crab, shrimp, whole sea brim cooked to perfection}

Trivia: the motto of Turkish airlines is "Miles of Smiles"  !!!   They are in fact agreat airline - on time every time for our 4 flights with them, good friendly service and BEAUTIFUL food

pictures: around Istanbul:
Turkish Ice-cream vendor - always put on a show and the ice-cream is terrific
Mass of people in main thoroughfare, European side
One blogger to another!

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