Wednesday 25 September 2013

Day 32 (Wednesday) - Pompei

How many superlatives can you apply to Pompei?? For anyone even slightly interested in history, it is the biggest "hit" you can get.

Fortunately, we headed off fairly early (9.00) and beat the huge crowds for a start but we stayed there the whole day so had to put up with the interminable tour groups and their guides as the day went on. For anyone visiting this site, a word of warning. There are two entrances and we of course went to the nearest to town which does not distribute audio guides - crazy. Had to go to the other entry about a kilometre away at the other end but then found they wanted to keep your passport as security so decided to pinch a map from a friendly tour guide, bought a beaut little book from the bookstore for only three euro more than the audio guide and mapped out the highlights and our tour route from that. It worked brilliantly!! Saw all the highlights, had a full commentary on their features, history etc and did it all at our own pace - and we get to keep the book!!

We have heaps of photos, but if you've never been to Pompei, put it on your "must do" list. You cannot adequately describe the experience of walking into the houses and shops and market places etc and see them as they were two thousand years ago - tables, frescos, benches, jars, shop counters, wool washing baths, gymnasiums with locker rooms etc - all in tact to an unparalled degree. Unfortunately also bodies, animals etc - the destruction was almost immediate and most did not escape.

Got to relate this story - walking around, reading panels explaining details of the various sites and a certain person says "That's amazing, they had disposable plates and cups" - "beg your pardon??" - :"it says here they had disposable plates, bottles and cups!!"  ........... guess who was reading the top of a rubbish bin?

Unbelievable day - didn't leave until after 5 but it wasn't really too bad as it was quite cool and there is quite a lot of shade on the site, which by the way, covers more than 50 hectares - huge. Now home resting the feet before heading out to find another good little "Pizzeria"  with a good "casa rosso"

Trivia: How much do you want?? lots to relate, but interestingly, Pompei had experienced a large earthquake in 62 A.D. which had badly damaged most of the buildings - they were still in the re-building phase when the eruption occurred in 79A.D. - specifically on 24 August and the destruction was complete by 26th. The first archeological excavations commenced in 1748.

*Vesuvius from the forum
*Inside the "fullery" of Stephanus - textile producer
*pedestrian crossing, Pompei style - if you look very carefully, you can see the wheel tracks worn by the wagon wheels as they passed between the blocks of the pedestrian crossing.

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