Thursday 19 September 2013

Day 26 (Thursday) Mykonos to Tinos

Every day is different! Short trip from Mykonos to the island of Delos where we once again shuttled to shore via the dingy. Delos is the Mythical birthplace of Apollo and as such was the site of much temple building and became a city of about 30 000 people in the Hellenistic period (6th -4th century B.C.) We had a 3 hour guided tour of the site which is actually the largest archeological site in Greece. Lots of more examples of water storage, sewerage systems, magnificent mosaics and lots of statues, columns etc.

Lunch while we set sail for Tinos - a farly lenghty voyage of 4 hours. After we arrived we visited the Evangelistria church  - the largest church in Greece. Tinos is Greece's "Holy Island" as a result of a Nun's vision concerning an ancient icon later found where she said it would be. Thousands of pilgrims come here.

Even though it was pretty hot, we set out for our 20km (450meter) ride and the first part was pretty tough going, but by the end (about 7.30) it had cooled down and was really a good ride. The boat left Tinos tonight to sail to Kea and we have had a beautiful bar-b-que tea on board. After tea it was Greek dancing lessons which were great fun until Mum kicked her toe on the saloon pole. What on earth is going on?? I hear you ask but best no further comment at this stage!

Hard to believe tomorrow is our last day of this bike/sail. We have had an absolute ball and it will be very sad to say goodbye to all these wonderful people and no more hills for a while! We will also miss the wonderful reaction of local drivers as they see us all struggling up the huge hills with shouts of "Bravo!!" and other uninterpretable Greek words of (presumably) encouragement.

Trivia: The actors in the theatre at Delos were known as "hippocrits" as they were pretending to be someone who there weren't.

*a wall drawing from Delos - thought Claire might like this one!
*A "Dove Palace" from the island of Tinos - these structures were built all over the island as homes for doves - they are used for meat, to provide fertiliser and whitewash for their walls!
* returning from our ride with a magnificent sunset

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