Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 19 (Thursday) Santorini

A perfect day - sunny and warm in Santorini. The verdict on this tourist mecca? It IS beautiful with absolutely spectacular scenery and so much "classic" blue and white Greek architecture. But just so crowded - there were two massive cruise ships in with hoards of mostly overweight American tourists coming ashore (apologies for the generalisation but it is TRUE!)

Today we opted for the local buses rather than the hire-car and that was a great decision. Tiny roads absolutely packed with buses, bikes, cars and quadbikes - it would have been a nightmare of a drive.

We went to Thira the "capital" with beautiful cathedrals and shops and restaurants perched on the top of a cliff overlooking the port. Donkeys bring the tourists up the steep pathway up the cliff. Very crowded in the narrow streets.

Back on the bus for the winding cliff road to Oia (pronounced "ear") with lots of beautiful art shops. More eating and drinking (coffee of course)

Came back here to Kamari beach where we stayed - light dinner and doing the blog inthe hotel lounge until the taxi arrives to take us to the airport. Will get back to Athens circa 10.30ish. Again no photos until tomorrow!

Trivia/quote of day from our hotel manager: "I went for a swim at the beach today.The water was so clear you could see all the stones at my feet"

addendum: not to be believed!!!!! - got back to the Amalia Hotel at 11.00pm to be advised that they had made a "terrible mistake" and were booked out with a huge touring party. As it was their mistake, they apologised profusely and to make up for the mix-up, they booked us in to the "New" Hotel in the next block which just happens to be the newest hotel in Athens - 5 star - for the next two nights at THEIR expense - breakfasts included, So here I am editing this blog at 11.30 but in a luxurious room with everything that opens and shuts. Two nights here for free!!!

We are off on a tour to Corinth tomorrow - should be interesting - now St Paul seems to be following us around as well as Hadrian!

*lunch in Thira
*donkeys of Santorini
*the port of Thira

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