Saturday 14 September 2013

Day 21 Saturday(Pireaus)

Easy day today. Booked out of the luxury "New" hotel and left the luggage at the Amalia where we were supposed to be and had an easy morning going through the beautiful national gardens across the road, enjoying our usual Saturday morning coffee (Expresso freddo) and window shopping around Athens before being picked up by the transfer cab at 2.00.

So here we are on the "Panagiota" a beautiful timber motor-yacht ready to start the bike/sail. we are in the port of Pireaus where the life-style of the rich and famous is clearly evident. What happened to the Greek crisis???

Lovely group on board with a few more to arrive tonight. Been enjoying drinks and getting to know the group - New Zealanders, Canadians, Swiss, Americans, Norwegians - all getting along fine. Tried out the bikes and they are pretty good and should do the job. First cycle is one of the islands tomorrow - 25km.

Small but good cabin - shower and toilet attached and our luggage fits fine on the top bunk. Great crew so we are looking forward to a terrific week. We have limited Wi-fi on board so we should be able to keep up with things.

Trivia: The hotel we stayed in for free was supposed to be Euro355 per night and Euro 30 each for b'fast!!!  More on prices: in the markets they had a pet shop where they were selling (amongst other things) galahs and sulphur crested cockatoos. How much for a galah in Athens???  -  try Euro 2000.00!

* some of the private yachts in Pireaus harbour
* our "yacht" in Pireaus harbour!!
*our big cabin (from outside)

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