Sunday 8 September 2013

Day 15 (Sunday) Athens

Very sad to leave Turkey. What can you say about this amazing country? Probably the best way to sum it up is - every country is different, but Turkey is more different.

Left a chaotic and crowded airport - exactly ontime again for the one hour flight to Athens over the beautiful Agean Sea. (Just to explain my comments re Turkish Air yesterday, the mess-up from Kayseri was not Turkish - we were booked on Atlas air and they were the ones who left us stranded - we then booked on turkish and they,as usual, left on time (unfortunately at 11pm)

Arrived here via the metrofrom the airport and found our hotel just around the corner from the central station and Syntagma Square where they have their riots in front of the Parliament House.. First impressions of Athens? Very sad. Grafitti everywhere and the exclusive shopping mall with all the designer shops is covered ingrafitti and beggars are  everywhere along with mobile street sellers.

Off on the bus trip around the city tomorrow. All good- beaut hotel and just down the road is a great little cafe with the best iced coffee we've ever had.Actually an iced cappucino!

Trivia: quote of the pilot on today's flight: "have a nice flight with my precious crew" and "crew take your landing positions and have a happy landing"

Photos: seafood festival last night in Istanbul
                Changing guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier at parliament house
                Sign of the hard times in Athens

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