Sunday 1 September 2013

Day 8 (Sunday) - Troy, Pegamum and Selcuk

A day for the history buffs - really so sorry you weren't here to share this one with me kids - you'd love it!!!

Firstly to Troy - another 3 hour bus drive along magnificent highway - famous of course for the legend of the Greek wooden horse used to infiltrate the city walls. So much more to it of course. There are, would you believe, 9 cities starting from thousands of years ago until the Roman version which is the last stage - now that's going back! There is evidence going back to the first city built of stone and mud brick. Quite incredible to see it.

Off to Pegamum which was an ancient Roman capital of Asia Minor and which turned out to be the surprise packet so far - amazing engineering to build a city, temples, amphitheatre on a hillside with magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. We did this tour with just one other couple - Harsha and Wendy from Perth who were great company on the long drives.

Arrived here in Selcuk at a great little hotel called Bella where we (again) enjoyed a terrific dinner on the roof-top restaurant - cost Aus$20!

Thought I should start a trivia piece on the blog, knowing how much the family LOVES my trivia bits, so for the first - the librarians at Pegamum invented a new type of writing material to replace papyrus which had to be rolled. this new material was made from animal skins and other materials and had to be stored flat - thus the beginning of book form. The new material, having been invented in Pergamum took on the name of the city and became known as - parchment. How about that??

the pictures - 1. Us at the Roman temple ruin, Pergamum; 2. In the foundations of the temple on the hillside; 3. Bedroom at "Bella" hotel - note the towel arrangements!

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