Saturday 7 September 2013

Day 13 Friday (Goreme-Istanbul)

"Extraordinary one day, incredible the next" should be the tourist motto for this part of the world.
Today we headed for Kaymakli, an underground city which is labrynth of tunnels, caves, churches, stables, living spaces, food storage, wineries and graveyards - unbelievably home to about 5000 people. Tiny tunnels take you down about 80 metres - not good if you are prone to claustraphobia! The Christians of the 3rd Century hid from their persecutors in the underground city.

Also went to the Soganli Valley, home to more monastries inrocks and had a beautiful Turkish lunch on a farm where all the food wasgrown and prepared. Just beautiful - sweets were yoghurt and honey.

Just a fabulous day.

First glitch of the tour - arrived at Kayseri airport to fly to Istanbul just in time to see our flight closed - the airline had changed the time and not informed our travel agent, so have had to buy tickkets for the 11pm flight,  getting into Istanbul at 12.30! Gaye the agent wasn't advised so she is NOT HAPPY but has upgraded us to the luxury suite for tonight and tomorrow night to compensate. VERY FLASH.

Trivia: Kayseri airport is the most boring place on earth to spend 4 hours!! But we've met some wonderfully friendly people one actually insisted on sharing half his dinner with us. They really are the most hospitable people on earth

Pictures: 1.  Us at the Soganli Valley 2.Monastry of 7 levels carved out of rock 3.underground in Kaymakli City

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