Monday 30 September 2013

Day 37 (Monday) Riomaggiore

Memorable, beautiful day. Didn't start out that way - woke up to grey sky and by the time it was time to go and meet David and Julie, the rain was pelting down - BUT - we have found how you cure inclement Italian weather - you go and have a coffee and hey,presto! - by the time you finish coffee, the rain has stopped. Brilliant.

Bought our rail tickets to Florence for tomorrow, then took the train for the two minute trip to Manarola, th next village along the coast which we had missed yesterday. Beautiful village to explore by which time the sun was out and the day looking really good. Unfortunately, all the walking tracks were still closed so we took the train to Monterossa (the northernmost village) and headed for a ristorante we had decided yesterday looked pretty good.

We had the MOST beautiful lunch - georgeous spot overlooking the water and the cliffs and Elizabeth and I had seafood spaghetti and David and Julie a fish pasta. This would have to be the best food we have had on the whole trip thus far - absolutely beautiful and the tiramisu the end was also the best yet. Memorable.

Then decided to catch the ferry back to Riomaggiore. Ferry trips at home are nothing like this. There was a condiderable swell running and the ferry leaves from the most amazing spots - the gangplank is on rollers and swivels and the ferry just noses into the concrete platform amongst the rocks and the crew  shout "go-go-go" or "stop-stop-stop" as the boat moves around with the swell. It is absolutely incredible but somehow they get everyone on and off without incident. Miraculous.

Having had such an amazing and HUGE lunch, and having watched a beautiful sunset over the water from a cliff-top bar, we decided to buy some cheese and crackers and sat on the balcony with Julie and David and had them, a bottle of wine and Limoncello. What better night could you have??? This has been a fantastic little section of our trip, being able to spend a couple of days in this amazing part of the world together with Julie and David - truly memorable

Trivia: The Cinque terra is a UNESCO world heritage listed site. There is no normal vehicle access to the area - you must come by boat or train so there are mercifully no tourist buses.

* The village of Manarola from the sea
* a very special lunch at Monterosso (note the size of the bowls!!!)
* the entry to our beaut little apartment "Alla Marina" in Riomaggiore

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