Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 22 (Sunday) Piraeus to Kythnos Island

Sorry folks, but this really is the life!!

We left Piraeus harbour in the early hours of the morning (we were still asleep of course) for the 5 hour voyage to Kythnos which we reached at 11.00. The boat stopped off at a beautiful little bay where we were given an hour to swim. The water is the most incredible blue (as a result of the depth of the water - up to 250 metres even close to shore), is beautifully clear and just perfect temperature (25) for swimming.

It is noticeably saltier than at home with the advantage that floating is much easier - you can just float around so easily - even floating vertically!! - so we were very reluctant to get back on board when time was up. We were accompanied in the bay by about a dozen huge, beautiful private yachts - not all Greeks are obviously suffering badly from the financial crisis!

The meals on board the "Panagiota" are just beautiful - no chance whatsoever of losing weight. We pulled in to Merichas harbour where we had lunch on board before setting out on the afternoon ride (first one) to Chora (250m above sea level) and then on to Driopida, a further climb of 350 metres, the ride being about 20km but pretty challenging up the hills.

Driopida is just a beautiful typical blue and white greek village high in the hills, narrow streets with beautifully maintained houses and buildings and painted paved roads. After a short break it was back to the mountains for the extra climb which was CHALLENGING to  say the least! - The last section was 15% and just straight up. However, we were rewarded with spectacular views at the top and then a fabulous 7 km downhill (the longest downhill we've ever done) back to Merichas harbour - got back here about 7.00pm with plenty of daylight left.

We are all heading into town for a traditional Greek meal tonight - not starting until 8.30 so thought it best to get the blog done now rather than try it after all that Greek celebration! 

Message is: we're having a fabulous time and this sail/ride is recommended to anyone!!!

Trivia: there are about 5000 islands in Greece!

* the view from our cabin window at dawn (I then went back to bed!)
* Elizabeth leading the tough life on board
* from the top of the climb - 550metres

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