Tuesday 10 September 2013

Day 17 ((Tuesday) - Athens

Oh well, it had to happen I suppose - we got caught up in an Athens demonstration today. Not directly thank goodness but we were on our way back to the centre of town from visiting the Acropolis Museum when the traffic became just impossible and the bus had to divert around the trouble - so we were on the bus for 2 hours before getting back. There were police rushing around - they use armoured buses and two-man motor bikes so they get through the tiniest spaces in the traffic.

The Acropolis museum is very well done. The building itself is new and built over the site of earlier Roman ruins with glass walkways and floors so you look through onto the excavations below. A huge collection of artifacts and figures found on the Acropolis hill are beautifully displayed and very well explained.

We wandered around the apparently famous Plaka area at the foot of the Acropolis - beautiful antique shops and restaurants. No purchases (bags full!!)

Finally got back into town and headed for the meat, fish and vegetable market which is a huge complex with the usual crazy mass of sellers shouting etc. Some pictures taken, but the pictures unfortunately cannot give you any idea of the smell (probably a good thing actually)

We have really enjoyed Athens, but a couple of days is probably sufficient to see most of the sights. Lovely people again and lots of parks and gardens - just ignore the wanten destruction which is very sad. local news seems to suggest that things may be getting a little better, with China investing huge amounts to buy up previously government operated ports, roadways etc

Off to Santorini in the morning. We will be OK from there for Wi-fi. next week we will probably be off the air for 8 days as we start the cruise/bike ride and I don't think there will be any on the islands.

Trivia: The Goddess Athena gave us some interesting words - She was the Goddess of wisdom, but had lots of other "hats" - Athena Polias (city - politics); Athena Hygieia (of the sick -  hygene) and best of all - Goddess of war (Pallas - our street!!)

Pictures: * the fish market (minus the smell)
                   * police riot bus near our hotel
                    * musical entertainment  during coffee break  

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