Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 24 (Tuesday) Cyclades Islands

A different start to the day today. The precicted wind came up with a pretty wild storm last night so it was just as well we had changed plans - the harbour at Kamares was more protected but we still had to stay indoors rather than venture out. When we left there this morning, there was a considerable swell so breakfast was notable for the number of absentees! We were feeling quite "queezy" by the time we got to seriphos at about 10.00.

After that, the day was just beautiful. We did a short but very steep ride up to the main town (Chora) where the group split into those who wanted to stay and explore there and those who wanted to take the extended ride around the rest of the island. Elizabeth did the first option and had a great morning and I took the other option and had a fantastic ride. The climbs were really challenging (the Greeks have outdone the French when it comes to putting villages on top of huge mountains) but it was really cycling heaven on the huge downhill runs - the beautiful Agean Sea on your left, often cycling alone and downhill "serpentine" roads that just kept going.

Got back to the boat at about 1.30 (ride was 35k and reached 460meters for those with cycling interest). The boat then left the harbour, went around the corner and anchored for us to have a swim. Best swim ever!! Lunch (beautiful of course) on board as we set sail for Syros where the regional capital for the Cyclades (Galissas) is situated. They stopped for another swim just before we berthed in Galissas.

We did a walking tour of the beautiful city which is very different - quite European and obviously still prosperous with beautiful shops and restaurants - we had dinner with Sue from New Zealand - great mtraditional Greek meal with wine - about Euro 8 per head. fantastic.

Trivia: Gallissas is the central government town of the Cyclade Islands - everyone who lives on the islands has to come here for all their government business - birth and death certificates - everything. There are therefore ferry services from here to every island.

* Galassis from the harbour on entry
*view from Chora back towards the boat ( Seriphos Island)
*the town hall and church in Chora

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