Thursday 26 September 2013

Day 33 (Thursday) Pompei - Amalfi Coast

What is the best way to enjoy the Amalfi Coast, with its winding roads running along the huge cliffs in the area south of Pompei? The hotel receptionist suggested hiring a car or taking a taxi for a half or full day. As I wanted to take in the scenery rather than watch the road, we opted for a 5 hour taxi ride which was actually quite reasonably priced and so at 9.00 this morning  Rosario turned up in his Mercedes!

It really was the best way to enjoy this amazing part of Italy. We have certainly never seen such steep escarpments and spectacular coastal scenery  with famous beaches such as Positano and Sorento and Amalfi at the base - all very small, with black rock and some black sand but very glamourous of course. I had to keep Elizabeth out of the dress, shoe and fashion shops or the holiday would have to finish next week from looking at the prices!

Rosario was very entertaining and of course full of information and unlike a bus tour we were able to chat about it all along the way. It was also "entertaining" driving with Rosario as he combined driving along the winding cliff road with telling us with hand gestures all his stories(hilarious), signalling all sorts of things to the other drivers out his window, tooting at other drivers as well as his friends, taking multiple mobile phone calls (twoxmobiles) from all and sundry including his wife who wanted him to pick the kids up from three places - Mamma Mia!!!!  Not a ride we will forget in a hurry.

Got back mid-afternoon so after a late lunch we went up the bell-tower of the Pompei catheral (lift) for a terrific view of the whole area, including a bird's eye view of old Pompei with of course Vesuvius always looming in the background.

One quick story from Rosario (after nearly collecting a lady on a crossing): I only let the pretty girls across the crossings. One day I was letting pretty girl across in front of my brand new Mercedes and justa watching her to make sure she safely all-a the way across and start to move and BANG - old man hits bonnet ofa my brand new Mercedes with his a walking stick. "Whatsa the matter - you letta her crossa and notta me?? Whatsa the difference??"  - I tell him there's a lotta of difference!!

Dinner tonight at Margherita's  Pizza - reputedly the best in southern Italy - no reason to question that recommendation - absolutely magnificent pizza and the genuine article - pizzas originate from Naples as a poor man's food -  flour,oil, tomato and these really redifined our standard for pizza. two BEAUTIFUL full size pizzas plus a full bottle of beautiful local wine = euro 18!!! Believe it or not, we have been in Italy almost a week and this was our first pizza!

Trivia: Vesuvius is mainland Europe's only active volcano - currently "sleeping" - hopefully until at least after we visit it tomorrow!!

*Us above the town of Amalfi
*the "beach" at Sorento
* Rosario our driver - on the phone as usual!!

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