Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 36 (Sunday) Cinque Terra

Today was the day with everything - weather-wise and scenic-wise as well. In complete contrast to the past 4 weeks, we listened to loud thunder nearly all night. We had arranged to meet David and Julie at the station to work out what to do for the day, but at meeting time - 9.30 - there was a HUGE storm - wind and rain like we've never seen before. We got as far as the tunnel leading to the station (there are tunnels through the mountains everywhere here) but could go no further - there was a swirl of water at the end.

Nothing to do but wait it out and eventually things settled down and we met D & J at about 10.30 and had a coffee. The walking tracks were closed down for the day (wouldn't want to try anyway!!) so we got the all-day train ticket and took the train to each village to check them out.
The villages are Riomaggiore, Manarola,Corniglia, Vernazza and finally Monterosso - each beautiful, medieval and built with a small harbour, cafes all around the harbour and then narrow streets with shuttered villas going up the hills. The coastline is steep, rocky and of course spectacular.

After a very wet walk around Corniglia, we headed for Vernazza by which time the rain had stopped and the sun actually came out while we enjoyed a pizza linch on the harbourside. Off to Monterosso which has the largest township and amazing churches - and it started to rain again so four fairly wet wanderers headed back to Riomaggiore - but it was a great day which we really enjoyed spending with David and Julie and this is undoubtedly one of the "must see" parts of Italy - beautiful little villages with unique character along a spectacular coastline. From Monterosa you can actually look back along the coastal cliffs and see each village perched on the cliffs. Very special.

Trivia: In October 2011 there was also huge rainfall here and it caused massive mudslides which killed about 10 people and caused huge damage to roads, houses, walking tracks and the railway. Sections of the walking tracks are still closed for repair.

Pictures: not too many today as Elizabeth's camera battery died after about two photos. I managed lots of photos but my camera doesn't download to the tablet unfortunately. However here is:
*waiting for the train (short platforms so you often board in the tunnel !)
* Riomaggiore in the rain!
*part of the coastline cliffs

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