Friday 6 September 2013

Day12 (Thursday) Goreme

(There seems to be a problem uploading blogs from here so this and yesterday's might be a bit late getting up)

Just when you think you've seen it all, Turkey throws up the unexpected and blows you away!

Big day today. Up at 3.45am supposedly to be picked up at 4.15 for the balloon flight, but of course we waited until 5.30  before they came. Getting the balloons up is an interesting process in itself with the balloon and the basket on their side and then as the balloon fills with hot air, it all stands upright and in you get. About 15 of us in the basket with the pilot who certainly impressed with his ability - thank goodness!

Unbelievable feeling as we took to the air with at least 30 other balloons and drifted up to 700m in the air over the unique Cappadocia landscape (more like a moonscape really) - wait for the pictures!. The pilot landed the balloon (with us all in the "brace" position) on a tiny ledge, just where he wanted it and the ground crew who had follow us on the ground were there to grab the basket, load it on a trailer and then let us out.

After b'fast back at the hotel, we were picked up for the first day trip around here and that is when the Wow moments really started.The cave villages, dating back to the early Christian era when they basically hid in the hills and also built their churches in caves has resulted in some of the most incredible things you will ever see.

The landforms resulting from volcanic ash topped with basalt and eroded by wind and water are different to anything else. The famous "fairy chimneyslook like hollywood sets rather than a natural form. An amazing day.

Trivia of the day: All young Turkish men must do national service for 2 years but get time taken off for higher level study so a full uni degree will reduce the service to about 6 months.

Pictures: 1. the moastries/churches/chapels of the UNESCO heritage site 2. Preparing the balloon for take-off 3. Over the Cappadocia countryside with 30+ balloons!

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