Tuesday 3 October 2023

2023 European adventure final day

Last day before the travel process starts to take us home! We'd given an extra day to spend relaxing in Frankfurt before the joys of 20+ hours sitting in aircraft and we've really appreciated the lack of time pressure. Late breakfast at a fantastic little Turkish restaurant nearby and then set out to go to the klinemarket on Wolfgangs recommendation. Got there no trouble and mystified to find it closed at 11 am! Friendly Geerman family explained that today is a national holiday to celebrate re-unification. Other plans for the day were to check out the old town and to go to sachenhausen for the obligatory porkknuckle and cider. We partly succeeded. When we first hit the streets this morning we were stunned with the litter - we've never seen anything like it. Packaging, paper, broken glass strewn across the streets. We were starting late - around 11 - and the cleaners were starting to use high pressure hoses to shift the rubbish to the centre of the road for the street cleaning trucks to pick up. When we got over the river to Sachenhausen we found the whole area deserted. Graffiti everywhere and lots of restaurants chained up. Had to go back to the old town square and found a restaurant with the required menu but not quite the same as the old Sachenhausen cider pubs. We had our first rain of the trip this afternoon. Timing was perfect though. We were just near the hotel and thinking about where to go next and a storm broke so straight into the room for rest time! Flight leaves 1:10 pm tomorrow. We'll get to have lunch with Be on and Lucius and his parents on Thursday and back to Brisbane on Friday for rest of family catch up.

Monday 2 October 2023

2023 European adventure day 31 - 1 October

Travel day. Taxi through morning peak hour in Paris (mayhem) to Gare l'Est to catch the ICE train to Frankfurt. Grabbed some French bread rolls with meat, cheese etc to eat on the train as final tribute to French cuisine. strain left spot on time as expected and we were soon flying through French countryside at 300 + kph - until we got to Lorraine and we came to a halt. Words like "Problem technique" were being announced which didn't sound good. English announcement soon after - " Ladies and gentlemenlease do not open the train doors - we have enough problems already" followed by "if you see a man in a life jacket walking beside the train please do not panic- it is the driver looking to find the problem" About 50 minutes later the train began to move to General applause but proceeded to Frankfurt at only half speed. We've been offered a 25% refund because it was more than an hour late - imagine if QR had to do that finally got to our lovely and very central hotel - went two doors up to O'Reilly'# Irish Pub for Guinness and a stew meal. Todd end to the day actually

Sunday 1 October 2023

2023 European adventure day 30 (30 September)

Beautiful sunny (Bit hot actually) day in Honfluer for a day of looking around, taking it easy, enjoying coffees, crepes, bakery delights and their beautiful cider. Never ceased to be amazed by their medieval architecture and huge number of art shops. Had just the best day but had to back to the hotel at 3:30 to catch a cab to the bus station to connect with the Paris train at Trouville. Problem was that the connecting bus just never turned up, leaving about 30 people stranded and doomed to miss the 4:55 train! A local bus eventually turned up and luckily we had some dual linguists in the group who were able to get the driver to deliver those of us who stuck around to the station and then explain to the English speakers what was happening. We didn't get go Trouville until about 6 and then wait in a line to change tickets while the 6:20 train sat at the platform. Too detailed to explain here (story for Christmas or coffee or whenever) but we managed to get tickets for the 6:20 and raced down the platform to jump on while everyone else had to (a) pay for a new ticket and (b) were put on the 7:20 train! Sometimes things just work on the right way. Didn't get into Paris until about 8:45 so by the time we booked into the hotel we decided it was too late for dinner. Bed.

Saturday 30 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 29 - 29 September

Final day riding! Carbourģ to Hon Fluer the longest day's ride for Normandie and as it turned out probably the most challenging but also rewarding. We left Carbourģ by 9:30 and headed out along the coastline for a while and then quiet country roads through villages and farmland. What's really impressed us is the unique Normandie house archite - a lot of half timber thatched construction like England (stands to reason I suppose) and they are all in beautiful condition. They are all through the landscape. Just beautiful. a couple of serious climbs today. Up into the Saint-Gatien forest which was spectacular and great riding once we were up there.We stopped for lunch at Beaumont en Auge and head a new culinary experience when the waiter recommended their Italian raw beef presented with sundries tomatoes, olive oil etc. It was absolutely delicious! After another good climb we descended into the Seine estuary via a huge downhill with beautiful views and into Hon Fluer. H F is an old fishing village which we now discover is one of the most visited places in France. It is a beautiful town with an incredible timber church at the centre. We went to the waterfront for dinner and seeing Hon Fluer is famous for seafood we had oysters (HUGE) and baked sea bass for dinner. Very lucky because when we were outside loo,ing at the menu before the place opened one of the waiters was outside having a smoke, asked us if we were intending on coming and booked us into the last table! We have tomorrow here as the o my train to Paris on a Sunday is at 4 pm so looking forward to exploring further.

Thursday 28 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 28 (28 September)

Back on the bikes today! One rider is still not 100% but slowly improving so we took things fairly steady. Got away from Bayeaux (A place we'd thoroughly recommend for a visit) circa 8:30 and headed north to the coast and then ran along the coastline for quite a lo g way - beautiful of course. Constant memorials to mostly British and Canadian soldiers and airmen. The ride then took us inland through more lovely farming country - had to watch out for speedy French tractors helping with the grain harvest - and some beautiful forest areas and into the Suelles River valley where we enjoyed some treats purchased earlier at a village bakery. Yum. The ride today constantly changed from farmland to villages to forest to streams - all very French of course but you must never tire of it. It is certainly a beautiful country. Every village - and there is one every couple of Kilometres has a sizable church so that would be a challenge for church authorities I suspect - none of them appear to be sold or co vertex into other purposes. We got to Caen in reasonable time and found the hotel easily. Had a coffee and snacks downtown and did a brief look around the main town centre. There was a 6 week siege of Caen after D Day and most of it was destroyed so not as much historic architecture as Bayeaux.Still quite beautiful though and buildings such as the Cathedral have been restored - that took until 1962 apparently. Bit tired so went to the Hotel restaurant for dinner but it was beautiful. Long French menu Description of our choices was repeated by the waitress as "one chicken and one fisn" Debating whether to do the local museum before the ride in the morning but you'll find out to borrow which way we go.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 27 (27 September)

Bit of a slip up today but a fortuitous one really. Realised that today was Wednesday not Tuesday as we'd thought so we had an extra day based in Bayeaux. Elizabeth is still not 100% and so we decided it was an opportunity to rest up a bit and the planned ride covered much of yesterday's territory anyway. Fortunately I had gone through the bookings for the next week and when I looked closely at the train ticket to go back to Paris it had us leaving from here not Hon fleur where we finish the ride. Must have been my booking error so with the extra time up our sleeve we went down to be rail station (Gare) and spoke with the ticket officer who turned out to be a very helpful and competent young lady and after spending a very patient 25 minutes on her computer she not only handed me a new ticket but a 7Euro50 credit! Try that in Paris. I left Elizabeth to rest up a bit and went on a photography tour of Bayeaux. It has beautiful homes and civic buildings and reminds us very much of Bruge but I think it is probably more impressive. I wandered into the Cathedral for a second look as it was preparing for a service when we were there on Sunday and while I was there the organist came in for a practice. He was brilliant so I spent the next hour just sitting and listening! Just when you think you've had the best, along comes the next level - we found a .little restaurant in a side street near our hotel tonight and it was just beautiful - best we've had. Must be a local favourite as it was packed and whenever a table was vacated and cleaned it was quickly occupied. Better check the ride for tomorrow make sure I've got the correct day!

Tuesday 26 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 26 (26 September)

Elizabeth's cold is very slowly showing signs of improvement but this morning she wasn't feeling too bright at all so we delayed leaving u til after 11. Once we got moving the paper-based navigation notes proved pretty good so we didn't have much trouble at all finding our way. At about14 k we found the ld by German gun batteries overlooking Omaha Beach mostly in tact apart from one which had a massive internal explosion. They were taken out by British navy guns on D Day. Next stop was Arrowmanches on Gold Beach - famous newsreel photos of the soldiers disembarking with the little French cottages right in front of them. They appear to have been restored and still there. This was also the site of the massive artificial harbour built by sinking huge steel stŕuctures around the beach, Quite moving to see pictures of British army war heroes mounted on all the lamp posts com I g into town with the words "never forget" beautiful tide in the Normandie countryside today. Just beautiful. Treated ourselves to the first full on French meal tonight - the first in a out 5 gears!

Monday 25 September 2023

2023 Eupopean adventure - day 25 (25 September)

It has to happen I suppose but Elizabeth caught a head cold with a very sore throat before we left Spain and it just hasn't improved. In fact we thought she'd better get it checked out today in case infection was involved. Off to the hospital first to see if they'd check it out but after about an hour and z half of waiting they said they'd made a midday appointment at the GP just near our hotel. HE was pretty good and said there was no infection but prescribed things for ears, nose, throat which interestingly all cost less than 50 Euro - and his fee was only 25 Euro. After a light lunch we headed off to our original site which was the Bayeaux Tapestry Remarkable. 68 metres long by 50cm high on a continuous piece of cloth it depicts the whole story from Edward deciding that Harold would succeed him through all the meetings, preparations for war and finally the Battle of Hastings where Harold was killed and William became king of England.Amazing detail and verry colourful. A must see if ever the opportunity arises. Quiet night in with a lovely pizza from just down the road as didn't think restaurants would appreciate a couple of coughing customers!

Sunday 24 September 2023

2023 European adventure - days 23 & 24 (23/24 September)

Two days in one today. Yesterday (Saturday) was a travel day. Flew from Barcelona to Paris with Vueling which might be an economy brand but they push the limits a bit. Firstly the plane was delayed about an hour due to technical problem and we were eventually bussed to another aircraft. They must assume no passenger will exceed 5 ft as I've never seen such tightly packed A320. Fairly smooth flight to Charles De Gaul where we took a train to Pparis. Slight problem at first stop Gare d Nord where a world cup hostess (we're right in the middle of world rugby cup mayhem) directed us to the exit instead of the correct line. Had a very small hotel room just up the road from St lazare station where we caught the 9 am train to Bayeaux this morning. Sunday so not much happening around town - couldn't even find a taxi so had to drag tge luggage 1.5 km to the hotel using google maps which doesnt always give tge right directions! Had a good afternoon checking out Bayeaux which is very French of course with huge 11th century cathedral where we sat and listened to a little music group - keyboard, clarinet, drum, 2x flutes, guitar - practicing for a confirmation. pretty good. Visited a lovely park which is where General de Gaul came a couple of days after D Day to announce that Bayeaux would be the interim capital of the Republic. Not too much open for dinner tonight but got a good basic meal and a Guiness at a nearby bar. Very good.

Friday 22 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 22 (22nd September)

Last day in Barcelona sadly. Spent a quiet day exploring the streets and alleyways and checking out some of the local history. This is the centre of Catalonia of course so they are obviously still pushing the independence barrow quite strongly - their own flag is seen everywhere.. Tomorrow we head for Paris by plane with train trip to the airport to start the day. next blog from Paris!

Thursday 21 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 21 (21 September)

Got to see gaudi's La Sacrado Familia church today. No doubt a n awe-inspiring building and far bigger in reality than picgures wil ever reflect. we did an organised bike tour which fortunately started pretty close to our accommodation Barcelonz is very cycle friendly with paths and separate bikeways everywhere. Good group and guide made it a great day. Dinner tonight was interesting - we'd only just sat down when out kf nowhere came a coupld of buses, cars with lights flashing, and about 21 motorcycle policeman. The people in suits went walking down the road and came back about an hour later, got into the buses and off get went with the police again following. Tried to book the train home from Brisbane for next Sunday but the wonderful qr website wouldnt let me. Booked a flight instead and wrote letter of complaint to as.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 20 (20 September)

Day trip to Montserrat. Fabulous day. Started by engaging with the very complicated Barcelona Metro and successfully managed a line change to reach the meeting point. Coach drive of one hour to the "serrated mointain" and that's exactly how it looks! Big climb up to the village and Benedictine Abbey which are of course very impressive. Morning tea of mozzarella cheese covered In honey - very tasty. Took a tour of the Abbey after listening to the resident boys choir singing (beautifully of course). InterInteresting trip down the mountain - we took a cable car 750 metres down to meet our bus which took us to lunch. Beautiful traditional Catalonian lamb, sausage, wine, bread, gar.ic, champagne etc - absolutely beautiful. Back to town about 6 - didn't need dinner after that amazing lunch so relaxing night sorting out how to get to starting point for tomorrow's cycle tour of the city.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 19 (19 September)

Travel day. after lovely breakfast at nearby restaurant headed (on hotel owners recommendation) to nearby Opera metro station to connect to Madrid Atocha station for the Barcelona train as the main ticket entitles you to connect. Unfortunately met an officious and apparently incompetent "lady" who wouldn't accept the ticket and told us to find our own way to the main Atocha station. Rushed trip up the road and founc a vacant taxi and got to Atocha through peak hour crazy traffic in time. The AVE trains are Spain's fastest and they are certainly quick - 300 kph and smooth and quiet. Crossing Spain was interesting. mountainous and quite dry. Lots of olive trees but not much else apart from piggeries.Some greener pastures closer to the coast. Arrived at Sants station in Barcelona and had to then continue on another train to de Francis station and guess what? The staff at Santa fully understood the connection process and helped us through to the correct platform. Amazing. Spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the area where we are staying- again narrow streets with lots of great little shops and restaurants. Stopped at one and had duck with pear in red wine sauce and Belgian chocolate for desert and a lovely local red. Pretty Good!

Monday 18 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 18 ,18 September

Madrid. Started with breakfast at a great little cafe just down the road and then with the help of Google maps found out way to the Neptune fountain where the hop on hop off buses are based. Got tickets for pension rate (Euro 11 each) and hopped on for the route 2. What impressed us straight away was the amount of greenery - tree lined streets and broad boulevards and huge parks, gardens. The stadium for Real Madrid soccerclub is iincredible - they have 70 000 members. After that review of the city we had a great lunch in an open air cafe and had on the second tour which was even more impressive. The pictures of Madrid will tell the story - a truly beautiful and impressive city which still has its full architectural history on display. Dinner tonight at a great little restaurant down the road - paella for Elizabeth and a steak for me. Final blessing for the night is two brillianbrilliant oboeists playing beautiful music outside in the street. Just beautiful.

Sunday 17 September 2023

2023 European Adventure - day 17 (17 September)

No cycling today!!! Breakfast with the group and all the sad farewells- they were actually a nice group of people. C hacked out of the hotel, left the luggage there and took a walk up into the older (???) part of town and came across a religious procession involving a decorated Madonna statue being carried accompanied by candles, two bands and lots of traditional costumes. The happy surprises of travel! Caught the 12 train to Madrid (one change) so at 200kph it didn't take too long, arriving at about 4:30. Big Euro 50 taxi ride to the hotel which is more of a unit really but very commphy and smack in the middle of town. Crowds everywhere, musicians every 50 m or so up the street. Had lovely Tapas and Guiness for tea and then three bolts to do as internet hasn't been operating for the last couple if nights. Madrid rocks!

2023 European advdnture - day 16 (16 Septe mber)

Final day of riding !!! Calder dos Reis to Santiago de COMPOSTELA.Today we must followed the Camino trails with only minor deviations. That meant a really hard day's riding - steep ascents and descents on often very rocky and loose gravel surfaces and continually detouring around the hundreds of walkers on the tracks - very challenging and quite exhausting by the end. Again had a small navigation glitch coming into Santiago but managed go enter the Cathedral square at about 4 which was pretty good after a hard 48 km. Found the hotel - again excellent - and after the usual shower/clean up headed for a beer and aioli chips to replenish the carbs. Checked out the interior of the cathedral - absolutely gobsmacked! Big dinner with the whole guided tour group which was lots of fun and included a video of the whole trip.

2023 European adventure - day 15 (15 Sptember)

Ride day 6 Baiona to Caldos dos Rios. Increasingly using the traditional Camino tracks as well as roads and bikeways - a fairly easy cycling day of only 28 km but as usual some fairly challenging climbs. Had the luxury of being able to stop for an afternoon tea (actually lovely beer) before getting slightly off track looking for our accommodation Hurst a few kilometres further on.Helped again by a lady who could hardly speak English but had a Google maps handy! Found our hotel - Torre do Rio - which surpassed Sergios normal high she needs. Converted from an old mill the building was magnificent stone and the ground were expansive and beautiful. Had dinner with the whole group which was fun, although the medal itself wasn't the best.

Thursday 14 September 2023

2023 Eudopean adventure day14 (14 September)

ride day 5 Baiona to Pontevedra (62 kmm) Tough day today. Big climbs including one of 20% and a 4km climb of about 15% - pretty tough cycling. Surprise of the day was the city of Vigo - huge city with massive shipbuilding yards with luxury yachts and ferries and supply ships under construction. Amazing. Got lost getting out of the city and had a postman guide us out! Next adventure was losing e Elizabeth in Arcade when she got stuck in pedestrian traffic and I was so busy following the GPS and watching traffic I didn't realise she wasn't behind me until I'd exited the city. Had to backtrack a few K's and found her with the guided group. Beautiful forest rides made up for the tough parts but we didn't get to the hotel until about 8 as the GPS let us down again in finding the hotel- Google maps to the rescue. Only wanted a beer and small meal tonight as we'd had a beautiful lunch then to bed! Probably our hardest days ride ever.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 13 (13 Seprember)

Day 3 of the bike ride from Caminha to Baiona - 40 km. Standard start with 7.30 breakfast and then gathering all the bikes,filling water bottles etc. Plan was to go to the ferry and be transported across the Minho River estuary into Spain. Tour operator Sergio then found that the ferry operator had "decided not to operate today" so he had to organise a little water taxi to get us across the wide estuary which took quite a while and bikes had to be loaded into the little boat as well - quite difficult especially for heavy electric bikes. Once under way again it was a pretty straightforward bikeway ride along the coast. We've done hundreds of km on bikeways right from Porto - makes you wonder about what we're doing back home when we can't even get a track to Harvey vBay and this terrain is far more challenging. Beautiful ride with really spectacular coastal scenery. Baiona is magnificent with huge battlements protecting the harbour presumably from the English - Sir Francis Drake raided the place successfully back in the 15th century apparently. Dinner at the posh hotel restaurant tonight but in Spain they don't open until 8.30! Breakfast starts at 8 in the morning so we've booked for the first sitting!

Tuesday 12 September 2023

European adventure 2023 September 11 & 12

Doing two days in one as the blog site refused to come on line last night. Days 1 and 2 of the Camino trail, starting on Porto and going to Espodende (60km) and then to Caminha 50 km) both days being fairly similar. Riding has followed the coast for the most part and it is a beautiful coastline - rolling surf onto long white sandy beaches with rocky headbands. Good bikeways for most of it. Occasional excursions inland with forests, rivers, waterfalls, agriculture. Today we added some sand and rocky 10% MOUNTAIN bike tracks to add to the fun. Quite hard and challenging rides really but according to Sergio our tour organiser much worse is to come! The overwhelming impression of Portugal is the food - absolutely beautiful and astonishingly cheap. Tonight for example we had sparkling water, a bottle of wine and a huge plate of spare ribs, rice and chips (which we couldn't finish) for 28 Euro. Try that at home!

Sunday 10 September 2023

2023 European adventure September 10

Fabulous day.The Douro Valley is a world class spectacle no doubt.We did a small group (8) tour of two wineries, a river cruise and a fabulous lunch in the day - picked up at 8 and back at 6 so a pretty good value tour. Tastings of both port wine (white and tawny) as well as olive oil at great little wineries in spectacular settings high above the river made for a great time with the group. Beautiful cruiseup the river through the high valley cliffs - scenery unsurpassed anywhere. Notes: The road and freeway system here is fabulous. 120 - 130 speed limits, massive bridge, make for relaxed and safe. Portugal Israël expériencing a well deserved tourist boom. The numbers of tourists at all the sites is incredible - more than we've experienced anywhere I think. Thanks to our guide Mafalda today - she was a real professional.

Saturday 9 September 2023

2023 European adventure 9 September

Very good breakfast at the Porto Trindade hotel this morning and then supposed to wait to meet someone from Top Bike Tours in the lobby for our trip briefing. After waiting half an hour the hotel manager came to ask if we could go to the Top Tours shop a couple of blocks away as they were too busy to pick us up. No problem. Short walk up the hill to meet Sergio and test out the bikes - found that had not given Elizabeth an electric bike as ordered so had to get one out for her - hadn't charged us for it either so another bill to come. Got a all the gear - GPS, telephone app, written instructions etc. and then one of the staff escorted us downtown and across the massive bridge to a port tasting which was quite informative if you could understand the guide's poor English. Found a fantastic little tapas restaurant for lunch- unreal. Bit of a rest in PM and then headed out to find somewhere for dinner which turned out very well although they were about to close at 6.30 on a Saturday night! Had our complementary ports at the hotel and chatted to two ladies about to start to walk the Camino so well have an easier trip than them. Special day today as it was when we found out that Edward Keith had entered the world.Very special.

Friday 8 September 2023

.2023 European adventure 8 September.

Travel day but with a difference - had a ride on the Alpha Pendular, Podtugal's tilt train from Lisbon to Porto. Breakfast at the great little Simpli cafe near our hotel and then a Tesla taxi ride to the Oriente railway station to catch the above mentioned train . Arrived on time and we were soon travelling mostly between 170 and 205kmph enroute to Porto. Very comfortable train but actually not as smooth or as quiet as our tilt train. Arrived in Porto on time, got a cab to the hotel and took a walk, downtown. We are already in love with Porto, only problem is that so are about half a million other tourists. The place is packed.Absolutely beautiful streetscape and winding streets with gorgeous buildings. Had a great dinner trad Portugese but used googlemaps to try to get home but it completely lost us so back to the good old paper tourist map and we made it home! Briefing for the bike ride tomorrow and then pretty free day so should be quite relaxing.

Thursday 7 September 2023

2023 European Adventure 7 September

Day 2 in Lisbon. Bfast at the hotel and then picked up by the tour guide at 9 for our tour of Sintra. Shared the minibus with 6 Americans but they werent too bad.Sintra is a mountain village up on a hill overlooking Lisbon. Took about half an hour to get there. Main attraction is the Pena Palace which was originally a medieval monastry but became the residence of the Portugese royal family. The family had a fairly chequered career which included assassinations, being thrown out by Napoleon and finally being banished when Portugal became a republic in 1910. The palace is an extraordinary building on top of the hill and is actually the inspiration for the Neuschhwanstein Palace in Bavaria which in turn was the model for Disney's fantasyland palace. We were greeted with a thick fog when we arrived but by the time the interior walk was finished the fog began to clear but returned later in the afternoon. Difficult climb from the car park to the castle on wet cobbles. After we finished the tour we spent time in the quaint village where more beautiful Portugese pastries were tried. the tour then took us to the coast - spectacular surfing beaches and to the western extremity of Europe at cape Rock. Back home at about 5:30, cleaned up Anne then off to tapas again which was great. Pretty exhausted tonight - off to catch the train to Porto in the morning. Note:For some unknown reason photos no longer load onto the blog site -- never had this problem in the past but apparently Google has changed the rules and it just uploads gobbeldygook. Will put some photos on Facebook.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

2023 European adventure first week

Have to summarise the first week as best I can as no chance to put things down until now. Had the first 5 days with Bronwyn and Lucius where we just enjoyed catching up and doing shopping, going for some lovely walks and having the wonderful Singapore food experience. Highlight was meeting up with the lovely Lee family - Mum Leena, brother Leonard and wife Rachel, sister Natalie and husband JM at the Singapore6Cricket Club. Sadly said on farewells Tuesday morning and left on the 12.5 hour flight to Frankfurt. Boy that's a long time in an aeroplane even if you are in Premium Economy and get extra legroom, better seat and nice meals. Spent the night at the airport hotel (Moxy) which was quite good but had to be up at 3.45 this morning to check in for the 6am flight to Lisbon. Good start go the Portugal experience - arrived on time after good flight on Air Portuga, pulled up at the airbridge and sat and nothing happened. After about 15 minutes the Captain informed us that they couldn't find anyone to operate the bridge. Waited 30 minutes before we finally disembarked! Found the metro ok and had to change trains at Sandaham station to get to Piceas for our hotel but somehow the "yellow" line just disappeared so we ended up just exiting and getting a cab. Unfortunately the tourist map was similarly ambiguous so we didn't find the top on top off bus until after lunch but had an interesting tour around a very u usual city. Chaotic traffic system, quite beautiful buildings and boulevards mixed with decaying buildings and antique road system - an extraordinary mixture of a place. Food is fabulous and priced very well. A fascinating start to our 2023 adventure!