Wednesday 6 September 2023

2023 European adventure first week

Have to summarise the first week as best I can as no chance to put things down until now. Had the first 5 days with Bronwyn and Lucius where we just enjoyed catching up and doing shopping, going for some lovely walks and having the wonderful Singapore food experience. Highlight was meeting up with the lovely Lee family - Mum Leena, brother Leonard and wife Rachel, sister Natalie and husband JM at the Singapore6Cricket Club. Sadly said on farewells Tuesday morning and left on the 12.5 hour flight to Frankfurt. Boy that's a long time in an aeroplane even if you are in Premium Economy and get extra legroom, better seat and nice meals. Spent the night at the airport hotel (Moxy) which was quite good but had to be up at 3.45 this morning to check in for the 6am flight to Lisbon. Good start go the Portugal experience - arrived on time after good flight on Air Portuga, pulled up at the airbridge and sat and nothing happened. After about 15 minutes the Captain informed us that they couldn't find anyone to operate the bridge. Waited 30 minutes before we finally disembarked! Found the metro ok and had to change trains at Sandaham station to get to Piceas for our hotel but somehow the "yellow" line just disappeared so we ended up just exiting and getting a cab. Unfortunately the tourist map was similarly ambiguous so we didn't find the top on top off bus until after lunch but had an interesting tour around a very u usual city. Chaotic traffic system, quite beautiful buildings and boulevards mixed with decaying buildings and antique road system - an extraordinary mixture of a place. Food is fabulous and priced very well. A fascinating start to our 2023 adventure!

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