Wednesday 13 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 13 (13 Seprember)

Day 3 of the bike ride from Caminha to Baiona - 40 km. Standard start with 7.30 breakfast and then gathering all the bikes,filling water bottles etc. Plan was to go to the ferry and be transported across the Minho River estuary into Spain. Tour operator Sergio then found that the ferry operator had "decided not to operate today" so he had to organise a little water taxi to get us across the wide estuary which took quite a while and bikes had to be loaded into the little boat as well - quite difficult especially for heavy electric bikes. Once under way again it was a pretty straightforward bikeway ride along the coast. We've done hundreds of km on bikeways right from Porto - makes you wonder about what we're doing back home when we can't even get a track to Harvey vBay and this terrain is far more challenging. Beautiful ride with really spectacular coastal scenery. Baiona is magnificent with huge battlements protecting the harbour presumably from the English - Sir Francis Drake raided the place successfully back in the 15th century apparently. Dinner at the posh hotel restaurant tonight but in Spain they don't open until 8.30! Breakfast starts at 8 in the morning so we've booked for the first sitting!

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