Monday 2 October 2023

2023 European adventure day 31 - 1 October

Travel day. Taxi through morning peak hour in Paris (mayhem) to Gare l'Est to catch the ICE train to Frankfurt. Grabbed some French bread rolls with meat, cheese etc to eat on the train as final tribute to French cuisine. strain left spot on time as expected and we were soon flying through French countryside at 300 + kph - until we got to Lorraine and we came to a halt. Words like "Problem technique" were being announced which didn't sound good. English announcement soon after - " Ladies and gentlemenlease do not open the train doors - we have enough problems already" followed by "if you see a man in a life jacket walking beside the train please do not panic- it is the driver looking to find the problem" About 50 minutes later the train began to move to General applause but proceeded to Frankfurt at only half speed. We've been offered a 25% refund because it was more than an hour late - imagine if QR had to do that finally got to our lovely and very central hotel - went two doors up to O'Reilly'# Irish Pub for Guinness and a stew meal. Todd end to the day actually

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