Tuesday 12 September 2023

European adventure 2023 September 11 & 12

Doing two days in one as the blog site refused to come on line last night. Days 1 and 2 of the Camino trail, starting on Porto and going to Espodende (60km) and then to Caminha 50 km) both days being fairly similar. Riding has followed the coast for the most part and it is a beautiful coastline - rolling surf onto long white sandy beaches with rocky headbands. Good bikeways for most of it. Occasional excursions inland with forests, rivers, waterfalls, agriculture. Today we added some sand and rocky 10% MOUNTAIN bike tracks to add to the fun. Quite hard and challenging rides really but according to Sergio our tour organiser much worse is to come! The overwhelming impression of Portugal is the food - absolutely beautiful and astonishingly cheap. Tonight for example we had sparkling water, a bottle of wine and a huge plate of spare ribs, rice and chips (which we couldn't finish) for 28 Euro. Try that at home!

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