Sunday 24 September 2023

2023 European adventure - days 23 & 24 (23/24 September)

Two days in one today. Yesterday (Saturday) was a travel day. Flew from Barcelona to Paris with Vueling which might be an economy brand but they push the limits a bit. Firstly the plane was delayed about an hour due to technical problem and we were eventually bussed to another aircraft. They must assume no passenger will exceed 5 ft as I've never seen such tightly packed A320. Fairly smooth flight to Charles De Gaul where we took a train to Pparis. Slight problem at first stop Gare d Nord where a world cup hostess (we're right in the middle of world rugby cup mayhem) directed us to the exit instead of the correct line. Had a very small hotel room just up the road from St lazare station where we caught the 9 am train to Bayeaux this morning. Sunday so not much happening around town - couldn't even find a taxi so had to drag tge luggage 1.5 km to the hotel using google maps which doesnt always give tge right directions! Had a good afternoon checking out Bayeaux which is very French of course with huge 11th century cathedral where we sat and listened to a little music group - keyboard, clarinet, drum, 2x flutes, guitar - practicing for a confirmation. pretty good. Visited a lovely park which is where General de Gaul came a couple of days after D Day to announce that Bayeaux would be the interim capital of the Republic. Not too much open for dinner tonight but got a good basic meal and a Guiness at a nearby bar. Very good.

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