Monday 18 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 18 ,18 September

Madrid. Started with breakfast at a great little cafe just down the road and then with the help of Google maps found out way to the Neptune fountain where the hop on hop off buses are based. Got tickets for pension rate (Euro 11 each) and hopped on for the route 2. What impressed us straight away was the amount of greenery - tree lined streets and broad boulevards and huge parks, gardens. The stadium for Real Madrid soccerclub is iincredible - they have 70 000 members. After that review of the city we had a great lunch in an open air cafe and had on the second tour which was even more impressive. The pictures of Madrid will tell the story - a truly beautiful and impressive city which still has its full architectural history on display. Dinner tonight at a great little restaurant down the road - paella for Elizabeth and a steak for me. Final blessing for the night is two brillianbrilliant oboeists playing beautiful music outside in the street. Just beautiful.

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