Sunday 1 October 2023

2023 European adventure day 30 (30 September)

Beautiful sunny (Bit hot actually) day in Honfluer for a day of looking around, taking it easy, enjoying coffees, crepes, bakery delights and their beautiful cider. Never ceased to be amazed by their medieval architecture and huge number of art shops. Had just the best day but had to back to the hotel at 3:30 to catch a cab to the bus station to connect with the Paris train at Trouville. Problem was that the connecting bus just never turned up, leaving about 30 people stranded and doomed to miss the 4:55 train! A local bus eventually turned up and luckily we had some dual linguists in the group who were able to get the driver to deliver those of us who stuck around to the station and then explain to the English speakers what was happening. We didn't get go Trouville until about 6 and then wait in a line to change tickets while the 6:20 train sat at the platform. Too detailed to explain here (story for Christmas or coffee or whenever) but we managed to get tickets for the 6:20 and raced down the platform to jump on while everyone else had to (a) pay for a new ticket and (b) were put on the 7:20 train! Sometimes things just work on the right way. Didn't get into Paris until about 8:45 so by the time we booked into the hotel we decided it was too late for dinner. Bed.

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