Thursday 28 September 2023

2023 European adventure day 28 (28 September)

Back on the bikes today! One rider is still not 100% but slowly improving so we took things fairly steady. Got away from Bayeaux (A place we'd thoroughly recommend for a visit) circa 8:30 and headed north to the coast and then ran along the coastline for quite a lo g way - beautiful of course. Constant memorials to mostly British and Canadian soldiers and airmen. The ride then took us inland through more lovely farming country - had to watch out for speedy French tractors helping with the grain harvest - and some beautiful forest areas and into the Suelles River valley where we enjoyed some treats purchased earlier at a village bakery. Yum. The ride today constantly changed from farmland to villages to forest to streams - all very French of course but you must never tire of it. It is certainly a beautiful country. Every village - and there is one every couple of Kilometres has a sizable church so that would be a challenge for church authorities I suspect - none of them appear to be sold or co vertex into other purposes. We got to Caen in reasonable time and found the hotel easily. Had a coffee and snacks downtown and did a brief look around the main town centre. There was a 6 week siege of Caen after D Day and most of it was destroyed so not as much historic architecture as Bayeaux.Still quite beautiful though and buildings such as the Cathedral have been restored - that took until 1962 apparently. Bit tired so went to the Hotel restaurant for dinner but it was beautiful. Long French menu Description of our choices was repeated by the waitress as "one chicken and one fisn" Debating whether to do the local museum before the ride in the morning but you'll find out to borrow which way we go.

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