Thursday 21 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 21 (21 September)

Got to see gaudi's La Sacrado Familia church today. No doubt a n awe-inspiring building and far bigger in reality than picgures wil ever reflect. we did an organised bike tour which fortunately started pretty close to our accommodation Barcelonz is very cycle friendly with paths and separate bikeways everywhere. Good group and guide made it a great day. Dinner tonight was interesting - we'd only just sat down when out kf nowhere came a coupld of buses, cars with lights flashing, and about 21 motorcycle policeman. The people in suits went walking down the road and came back about an hour later, got into the buses and off get went with the police again following. Tried to book the train home from Brisbane for next Sunday but the wonderful qr website wouldnt let me. Booked a flight instead and wrote letter of complaint to as.

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