Wednesday 27 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 27 (27 September)

Bit of a slip up today but a fortuitous one really. Realised that today was Wednesday not Tuesday as we'd thought so we had an extra day based in Bayeaux. Elizabeth is still not 100% and so we decided it was an opportunity to rest up a bit and the planned ride covered much of yesterday's territory anyway. Fortunately I had gone through the bookings for the next week and when I looked closely at the train ticket to go back to Paris it had us leaving from here not Hon fleur where we finish the ride. Must have been my booking error so with the extra time up our sleeve we went down to be rail station (Gare) and spoke with the ticket officer who turned out to be a very helpful and competent young lady and after spending a very patient 25 minutes on her computer she not only handed me a new ticket but a 7Euro50 credit! Try that in Paris. I left Elizabeth to rest up a bit and went on a photography tour of Bayeaux. It has beautiful homes and civic buildings and reminds us very much of Bruge but I think it is probably more impressive. I wandered into the Cathedral for a second look as it was preparing for a service when we were there on Sunday and while I was there the organist came in for a practice. He was brilliant so I spent the next hour just sitting and listening! Just when you think you've had the best, along comes the next level - we found a .little restaurant in a side street near our hotel tonight and it was just beautiful - best we've had. Must be a local favourite as it was packed and whenever a table was vacated and cleaned it was quickly occupied. Better check the ride for tomorrow make sure I've got the correct day!

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