Tuesday 19 September 2023

2023 European adventure - day 19 (19 September)

Travel day. after lovely breakfast at nearby restaurant headed (on hotel owners recommendation) to nearby Opera metro station to connect to Madrid Atocha station for the Barcelona train as the main ticket entitles you to connect. Unfortunately met an officious and apparently incompetent "lady" who wouldn't accept the ticket and told us to find our own way to the main Atocha station. Rushed trip up the road and founc a vacant taxi and got to Atocha through peak hour crazy traffic in time. The AVE trains are Spain's fastest and they are certainly quick - 300 kph and smooth and quiet. Crossing Spain was interesting. mountainous and quite dry. Lots of olive trees but not much else apart from piggeries.Some greener pastures closer to the coast. Arrived at Sants station in Barcelona and had to then continue on another train to de Francis station and guess what? The staff at Santa fully understood the connection process and helped us through to the correct platform. Amazing. Spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the area where we are staying- again narrow streets with lots of great little shops and restaurants. Stopped at one and had duck with pear in red wine sauce and Belgian chocolate for desert and a lovely local red. Pretty Good!

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