Sunday 17 September 2023

2023 European advdnture - day 16 (16 Septe mber)

Final day of riding !!! Calder dos Reis to Santiago de COMPOSTELA.Today we must followed the Camino trails with only minor deviations. That meant a really hard day's riding - steep ascents and descents on often very rocky and loose gravel surfaces and continually detouring around the hundreds of walkers on the tracks - very challenging and quite exhausting by the end. Again had a small navigation glitch coming into Santiago but managed go enter the Cathedral square at about 4 which was pretty good after a hard 48 km. Found the hotel - again excellent - and after the usual shower/clean up headed for a beer and aioli chips to replenish the carbs. Checked out the interior of the cathedral - absolutely gobsmacked! Big dinner with the whole guided tour group which was lots of fun and included a video of the whole trip.

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