Sunday 17 September 2023

2023 European Adventure - day 17 (17 September)

No cycling today!!! Breakfast with the group and all the sad farewells- they were actually a nice group of people. C hacked out of the hotel, left the luggage there and took a walk up into the older (???) part of town and came across a religious procession involving a decorated Madonna statue being carried accompanied by candles, two bands and lots of traditional costumes. The happy surprises of travel! Caught the 12 train to Madrid (one change) so at 200kph it didn't take too long, arriving at about 4:30. Big Euro 50 taxi ride to the hotel which is more of a unit really but very commphy and smack in the middle of town. Crowds everywhere, musicians every 50 m or so up the street. Had lovely Tapas and Guiness for tea and then three bolts to do as internet hasn't been operating for the last couple if nights. Madrid rocks!

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