Tuesday 3 October 2023

2023 European adventure final day

Last day before the travel process starts to take us home! We'd given an extra day to spend relaxing in Frankfurt before the joys of 20+ hours sitting in aircraft and we've really appreciated the lack of time pressure. Late breakfast at a fantastic little Turkish restaurant nearby and then set out to go to the klinemarket on Wolfgangs recommendation. Got there no trouble and mystified to find it closed at 11 am! Friendly Geerman family explained that today is a national holiday to celebrate re-unification. Other plans for the day were to check out the old town and to go to sachenhausen for the obligatory porkknuckle and cider. We partly succeeded. When we first hit the streets this morning we were stunned with the litter - we've never seen anything like it. Packaging, paper, broken glass strewn across the streets. We were starting late - around 11 - and the cleaners were starting to use high pressure hoses to shift the rubbish to the centre of the road for the street cleaning trucks to pick up. When we got over the river to Sachenhausen we found the whole area deserted. Graffiti everywhere and lots of restaurants chained up. Had to go back to the old town square and found a restaurant with the required menu but not quite the same as the old Sachenhausen cider pubs. We had our first rain of the trip this afternoon. Timing was perfect though. We were just near the hotel and thinking about where to go next and a storm broke so straight into the room for rest time! Flight leaves 1:10 pm tomorrow. We'll get to have lunch with Be on and Lucius and his parents on Thursday and back to Brisbane on Friday for rest of family catch up.

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