Monday 23 September 2019

The others - day18 (Ostuni to Gallipoli)

If you're like me as an Australian you think of only one Gallipoli but the Italians have one too! It is the southern most point of the mainland and is of course a seaside resort with an old and new sector. Thats where we are tonight after a pretty demanding day's ride. The story: Had to catch the 9.52 train from Ostuni which took us to Lecce which we visit again at the end of the ride. Arrived in Lecce (pronounced lecture) an hour later and then started out on the 48km ride to Gallipoli. The first three quarters of the day were pretty ordinary really - just a hard slog on terrible country roads. The Italians are incredibly untidy I'm afraid. The country roads are just rubbish tips. In addition to the normal bottles and cans lining the side of the road they add bigger stuff like tv's, sofas, mattresses, and old boxes, crates - anything that should be in a proper rubbish tip - plus rats! It's terrible. Added to that their roads here in the south are dreadful - rough and full of significant sized potholes - our backsides and arms are quite sore from the constant pounding. We travelled a fair way today with Michelle the Irish girl so we had some pleasant chatter to relieve the pain! We eventually reached the coast at Nardo and apart from the still terrible roads the ride got far more pleasant. Beautiful coastline and great little beaches along the coast- really quite beautiful. We arrived at our lovely hotel - an ex-nunnery- at about 4.30 which was pretty good going. Clean up, take a lovely walk around the old town looking in on an u usual cathedral and an interesting olive oil museum. Back home to get ready for dinner at the hotels restaurant across the road on the edge of the water for a seafood night! Lobster and mussels and prawns and oysters etc! Tomorrow is a coastal ride which should be great.Good night!

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