Tuesday 10 September 2019

Egypt and others - day 5 (Luxor to Edfu)

Somehow we need to find some more words to describe the places we are visiting because the usual adjectives will just not do justice to the feeling of walking into passageways carved out of rock thousands of years ago and covered in the most beautifully coloured reliefs - there are just no words to do them justice.
This morning we headed  across to  the West side of Luxor to firstly visit the Valley of the Kings.
For those interested in the historical accuracy of things, this is where most of the graves and mummies that exist today were discovered - not from the pyramids as grave robbers had cleaned them out long ago. The Valley of the Kings was discovered circa 1735 by an Italian archaeologist who discovered it completely by accident. The biggest discovery was the burial chamber of Tutenkamen which was discovered circa 1920 by an English archaeologist Howard Carter. The surrounding landscape is extraordinary - high rocky cliffs with resolutely no vegetation, just sandstone rock and gravel.
We entered three chambers - all Rameses ('ll, iv , ix)  - very hot but extraordinary in the artwork covering walls and roofs. Sadly no photos to show as none allowed but have bought a CD so can show you when we see you - or you can Google I'm sure.
Off to an alabaster factory (very small souvenir purchase) which was very interesting. Next stop was temple of Queen Hatshepsut (photos below) which again was massive in scale.
Back on board for very good lunch and now have just left Luxor to sail South via some locks to Edfu. Very relaxing with cabin deck overlooking the river and all that passes by! Egypt looks better from the river sitting in an air conditioned cabin!!
Elizabeth was given a plastic bag full of dates which are being enjoyed - their fruit is all beautiful.
Another travel tip 're Egypt - if you want to travel to  this amazing place, don't leave until you are "old" - it is quite taxing and difficult to get around and you really need to be reasonably fit to enjoy it - in other words, dont delay!!!

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