Saturday 14 September 2019

Now just others - day 10 (Orvieto to Pienza)

A day that started pretty badly ended up brilliantly - Oh the pitfalls and joys of travel! Very restless and sleepless night thinking about the possible difficulties presented by lost luggage. After a quite good breakfast out on the grass overlooking some magnificent scenery, phoned the lost luggage call centre and after some language problems was told "Sorry, your luggage is lost -use the claim form for compensation" some cross words followed and he suggested i might check again this afternoon. Not feeling too cheerful, we checked out if the B@B and headed into Orvieto just up the hill. Beautiful old town with 11th century Duomo and just wonderful streetscape. In one quiet corner we came across a church where a wedding was in progress - obviously full Mass and the singing was just incredible - spine-tingling harmonies with beautiful singing. One of those unforgettable moments. Coffee and a bite to eat and headed to the newer part of town in the valley to buy new charging points and leads, shaving gear, water, deodorant and brush to help survive another day luggageless. Another drive on the motorway sitting on 130 and after an hour turned off (Euro 3.50) for Pienza where we innocently parked the car in a fresh space and wandered up the path into the town where we could hear drumming and as we entered the town square came across a festival involving drummers, horns and flag-throwing - an incredible display. Only about 100 photos I'd reckon Checked direction at the info centre for or B&B but didn't get it quite right as a phone call to the owner ended up with her coming to meet us and guide us to the spot. Unbelievable place. She and her brother farm the area and run three B&B's each absolutely beautiful. Basically a converted castle really and beautifully appointed. When she heard about our luggage situation she immediately phoned the call centre herself and after some typical Italian gesturing and speaking with great speed and emotion she came off the phone and said "Your luggage is on the way" She got a big hug! Into a placé 4k donc the road for a fabulous dinner ossobucco for E and Lamb for me - simple but juste road good and with a great local red wine. Perfect. For a day that started so badly, it ended up just about perfect. Might have pictures tomorrow if luggage arrives otherwise Monday.

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