Tuesday 17 September 2019

The others - day12 (Pienza)

At last! Received a text from Laura mid-afternoon "Your baggages are coming" and circa 5 received another message "Your baggages are in the house" and went downstairs and there they were- covered in stickers and attachments but in one piece! Last day in Tuscany and had a chat to Laura re "what if?" And decided that we better play safe and get some of Elizabeth's medications. Laura to the rescue again as she knows the chemist in nearby Quirico d' Or via and phoned through so when we arrived he knew the story and was able to provide all the medications no problem (no national health care subsidy though!) Decided to make a visit of it and spent the morning in this lovely friendly little village (again on top of a hill) but very different to the others we've visited. Beautiful gardens which is a bit unusual here and we had coffee in the back courtyard of a little shop we had a little turtle come and join us from his corner with water and lettuce bedding. Very friendly little chap! We got back here at 1.30 as we had been trying to get a time to chat with Bronwyn with the funny time differences so successfully made contact and had a lovely chat. Off to Bogno Vignoni for a light lunch and then back here to wait (hopefully) for luggage which did in fact turn up. YEA! As it is our last night in this beautiful place and also to celebrate the return of civilised life we headed for the terrific little Michelin restaurant we went to on Sunday and enjoyed some beautiful pork neck with peppers and eggplant and of course local red wine which really is very good. A good night's sleep awaits before we drive to Rome airport in the morning to fly to Bar I on the East coast to start our bike ride in Madera. Some pictures from our time in fabulous Tuscany..........

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