Tuesday 24 September 2019

The others - day 19 (Gallipoli to San Maria Leuca)

Big point today was reaching the "heel of Italy" at San Maria Leuca but took a bit of getting to of course.we left Gallipoli at about 9 after a great breakfast in the dining room right on the edge of the sea. BEAUTIFUL. Headed along the coast and the guidebook indicated that all we needed to was keep to the coast road all the way. All went well until we came to a barricade across the road with "Tutti traffico Distoglieri" sign. No idea where to just closed! So helpful. Had to divert and fry to keep the sea on our right but ended up on a major highway heading at least in the right direction. Called in to a service station and managed to get directions in spite of neither having each other's language and eventually got back to the planned route. Beautiful ride along the coast. Michelle caught up to us so we shared a lovely lunch and then she continued on to another place for a swim while we kept to the planned route. We eventually reached the official heel of Italy just before reaching San Maria Leuca which is a lovely little town right on the water. Usual shower and change of clothes after a long warm day on the bikes and headed down town where we eventually ended up at a lovely Pizzeria and enjoyed the first pizza we've had in Italy! Must beautiful. We picked the right p,ace as they were flat out all night. FABULOUS!

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