Saturday 7 September 2019

Egypt and others - day2

Confronting but amazing would describe day two which we spent mostly in Alexandria, about 3 hours drive from Cairo. Egypt is another world - brown, dusty, barren, crazy, Pockets of extrême poverty, cars and trucks which should not be on the road, even dead palm trees but lovely friendly people who are very anxious to sell their amazing country.
Yesterday's blog was from Rome airport so better fill in the gap - our Egyptair flight was delayed 30 minutes which meant we waited thererom 7.30am until 2.30 pm but there happened to be "Opera at the airport" on so we had some great entertainment!
Flight was interesting. The dirtiest and oldest 737 we've ever flown in with window shades at funny angles and minimal legroom. Two male stewards who actually served us a very nice meal (lamb) and good coffee. Two hour flight and as we flew in over Cairo it was clear that we were entering a different world. Sand and dry gravel is all there is and the buildings are all the same brown colour. Not a blade of grass around the airport and even the potted palms supposedly there for beautification were dead! Dust and grime pervade everything. There is a brown haze permanently surrounding everything and the air is so dry.
We were picked up at the airport by the tour company rep Akram and then waited for half an hour while dribbles of luggage would emerge onto the carousel followed by a long wait while the next lot was collected from the aircraft. It was 6.00pm before our two items of luggage came through which meant that we were in peak hour traffic for the trip to the motel. I cannot describe fully the joys of peak hour in Cairo but the population is 25 million and the roads pretty inadequate and not much public transport. The roads have no lane marking and it is everyone for themselves - our driver Sam was extraordinary and I have never been so close to other  vehicles at speed as we weaved in and out accompanied by constant horn blasting- but it still took 2 hours through the most extraordinary parts of the city to get to our motel which is quite beautiful and straight across the road from the great pyramid!

We slept very well last night, pleased to lie flat after so long sitting! Up early this morning as Akmed wanted us on the road by 6.30 as Alexandria is a few hours away from Cairo. Sam was our driver again and Ansary our guide. Cairo traffic again for a start but then we got to the Cairo desert road which is a straight wide tollway all the way to Alexandria with hardly a bend or a hill. Again no lane marking so it is an amazing experience and id love to try some of their manoeuvres on the Bruce highway travelling at 120 - 130 kph! Got to experience it to believe it!
Alexandria has about 22million people and some of the most run down, derelict buildings we've ever seen. We visited the catacombs which were quite extraordinary, the Pompei column, had an Egyptian tea for morning tea, a beautiful seafood lunch on the harbour and then visited the extraodinary Unesco library which is an incredible piece of architecture and engineering - Google it and you will be amazed.
This is a place like no other. Never seen such poverty or so many old derelict cars, buses, trucks and trams which are all somehow still running! All the taxis in Alexandria are old Russian Ladas which are total wrecks but somehow still go. Dusty, dirty, chaotic but again with friendly proud people who love to welcome you warmly to their country.
This is going to open our eyes to something we've never experienced before!
Pictures attached of Alexandria and also the entrance to our hotel - complete with security guards, police and sniffer dogs- hang on for a fun trip!

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