Thursday 26 September 2019

The others - day 21 (Otranto to Lecce)

We have done it! 400k of riding some of the toughest roads we've ever encountered with some significant climbs thrown in for good measure! Final day of the Italian ride started in Otranto which is a smaller town absolutely stunning in its setting beside the Adriatic Sea. Magnificent cathedral and other magnificent architecture. It was described as the easiest days ride of the trip and it was certainly flatter and the roads were smoother. Stopped of at the Torre del Orso which is a large Waterhole connected to the ocean which is a popular swimming and diving spot. A bit further on stopped for a Tapas lunch before continuing through a hiking reserve where we rode in an avenue of gum trees! Afternoon tea we joined a group of 6 Norwegians who have been riding together for 12 years. Reached Lecce about 4 so good timing. Went I to town for a quick look around before tea and came across a great little concert being performed in a little art gallery - a treasured moment with beautiful music. Back to the hotel for a good dinner and then sleep. Two days rest here before heading for Paris!

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